Where To Start?
Well, we're now into good old August think my last post was May sometime (bad blogger!)
Cannot remember everything but here goes:
Demon has gone from strength to strength these last few months, sadly, the same cannot be said for my handling.
Demon has had numerous places since my last blog
Waldridge Fell - Grade 4 Jumping 2nd
Hinckley - Grade 4 Jumping 6th
Hinckley Grade 4 Agility 1st!! Taking us up to Grade 5 :-)
In June we traveled to Newton Heath where De really showed what a star he is and came 2nd in the KC Novice Olympia Combined 3-5 Agility....This qualifies us for the semi finals in September at The Birmingham Championship Show.
Video below:
Thanks to Lucy Osborne for this video.
After this i have tried to keep him in Grade 5 as i think we will both benefit from the time and experience, as i seem to have lost the handling part of my brain lol!! De has still achieved some good places despite having me as his handler :-)
Tuffley - Grade 5 Agility 5th
Weardale - Grade 5 Jumping 2nd
Dog Vegas - Grade 5 Jumping 2nd
Derbyshire - Helter Skelter Combined 5-7 3rd
Derbyshire - KC Novice Olympia Combined 3-5 Agility 2nd!!!
Yes my little boy managed to qualify for the Olympia Novice for the second time just to make sure he was going...Clever lad!! :-)
I'm am very proud of him....which is a bit of an understatement lol!! Lets just hope i can sort myself out before September comes :-s
On Saturday we headed off to the Scunthorpe Agility Show its a fairly local show only being about an Hour and 15 mins from my house at the most.
Saturday was filled with if onlys with use having poles or late commands from me sending him over wrong jumps ect.
Sunday was much the same up until the last run where Demon did it again and Qualified for the Adams Burns Derby 2012 (next September) The first part (contacts, spread, long jump) was lovely, yet the jumping was very hit and miss in the middle, only 5/6 dogs got round this course so i was pleased we got round but it wasn't a nice flowing run so i felt a bit un-worthy of qualifying but hey we got round and i'm lucky DE covers the ground nice and made time up on the bits that did flow :-)
Here is a video of some of his runs from July:
Both dogs had their yearly eye tests done at the beginning of July by Professor Bedford (a specialist in Ophthalmology) Both dogs results came back Clear/Unaffected so a good result all round.
Roxxi's training is coming on nicely, she has just about got her weaves now and has clicked on alot faster than i'd of expected.....We are using channel weaves which i feel has worked really well with both the dogs. In regards to the excessive barking at training and around the rings it has been a long and very tough round but we have now almost got silence Yay!!! There is still the odd whimper but the reward for Roxxi is far greater when she's quiet and she has sussed this out too!! We reverted right back to one jump during training at home and the reward came quick and often for silent jumping/ tugging ect so she is now working alot quieter too although its not quite there yet.
She was entered into the Helter Skelter at both Dog Vegas and Derbyshire at the end of July and worked well in the one at Dog Vegas but got a bit tunnel happy towards the end and i carried her out as that's all she thought about after going through it twice and i got her E'd in the one at Derbyshire by sending her over an extra jump although she worked like an angel <3 <3 All in all i'm very happy with the progress we're making and she has been entered in her first kc show at Gillingham.
Roxxi was DNA tested for CL and Hip & Elbow scored beginning of July, i am still waiting for the Hip/Elbows but have received the DNA Results this morning and she is Clear :-)
I am competing at the KC Festival this weekend and i am really looking forward to it i am kindly being looked after by Sam Clarke and the wonderful Tizzy although i'm not quite sure if they know whats they've let themselves in for with me and the two dogs ;-) We're not really that bad.
Will hopefully update once we return home...