Grade 6 & Contacts
I thought i'd better update the blog before i forgot what has been happening;
I took Demon to Dog Vegas on August, it's quite a close show for me and i like the atmosphere and the way the shows are run... Lovely.
Demon worked very well coming 2nd in Grade 3-5 Jumping and then going on to WIN Grade 5 Agility!!
He was a little naughty self releasing his A-Frame and waiting on the ground until i released him but i hadn't noticed until after the run when a friend mentioned it to me, so, the last Grade 5 Agility class i made sure he held his contacts until i gave him his 'OK' release command. He was a good lad and stayed put.
To be honest i was a little bit gutted De had won out of Grade 5 and had a few tears as i wondered how being in Grade 6/7 for the rest of his agility career would affect him both physically and mentally.
Things such as the tighter turns and demanding weave entries (although the new weave spacing coming in to force in Jan 2012 will help this) there is then also the fact that 'I' must try to cope with remembering the harder courses, so not to let De down and figuring out the safest route for him. I am not prepared to run him into the ground and i believe thinking about his route may prevent any long term affects.
After thinking things through i have come to the conclusion that as long as De is enjoying himself and we are having fun it is just another great activity we can participate in together.
Only time will tell if we can hold our own but De is still young and i still have lots to learn, new training and me using my brain when walking courses will help and i think we may just be fine.
I have ordered some new agility equipment (Contacts) from Alan Sharp of Lincs Agility, these will be rubber coated. My See Saw and A Frame will be Pink with Black contact points and my Dog Walk will be Purple with Black contact points.
As i type this i have had my See Saw back and it is LUSH!! I will upload some pictures soon.
Sadly Alan has had to go into hospital for an operation on his knee, since then he has been rushed back into hospital after getting an infection in the op site so was operated on yet again! I am wishing him a speedy recovery (for his sake) and know my equipment will be with me when he is up and running again.