De's Training Update
Demon's been on the ruff love program for just over two weeks now. He's taken to it really well and is giving me all his attention in most situations now and works nicely.
When I take my puppy class at Sutton i still take de along as he tends to settle in the corner and no-one bothers him. We do some work outside with the bronze and silver groups with me and de slipping off to the side either when I think he's not focusing right or if I choose to do a different exercise.
We've been training his send aways quite a bit just because to my surprise he loves this exercise a lot!
I've tried all sorts with him from me running part way to speed him up, to sending him on his own… I tend to put him back on a long line at least once at the start of the lesson because i always think he'll of forgotten but he definitely knows what he's doing. I've used little flower pots and flags so far. At the min i've been doing it so that he runs between two front markers and to a back one, and my god he likes it lol. His heel-work is coming on now… slowly but it's coming on, so I’m happy with it.
The only other thing we've been doing is learning tricks, he can nearly get three feet in a container now but he isn’t too sure about it. He holds his back left leg up on command and he walks back wards and lifts his two back legs up on to boxes and on to the sofa.
I haven't done any directional work in agility with him since about a month ago because he just lost concentration on me for a while, so I wanted to sort that first before he was doing his lefts and rights and his bend and wraps (tight turns round wings). Although, I have been doing his contacts at the bottom of the A-frame which he can do nicely.